Real Talk

I don't know how to start this exactly, but I wanted to talk about something that I struggle with and that I have noticed with other people throughout social media. First of all, I love creating content for my Instagram and the photography and editing process that goes into the images I share. However, I feel like I often fall into a trap. A trap that makes me be something that I'm not. Something that changes my thoughts of myself and something that creates unrealistic expectations. The root of this is comparison. I often find myself comparing myself to other big time Instagrammers that have what looks to me like the "perfect life." I am aware that nobody has a perfect life and what I see on Instagram is them putting their best out there, but somehow that makes me want to try to make my best look like theirs.
I'm not alone in this because I see it with young girls that are trying to fit in and become something they're not. I want those young girls to know that you don't have to do what everyone else is doing to be cool. You can be YOU and that is the most beautiful thing you can be. Trying to be someone you're not is hard and it only makes you feel worse about yourself because you're not meeting the expectations that you're trying to reach. The numbers on your Instagram really don't matter like the memories and friendships inside your photos do.
I want to be real. I want people to see me not as the girl with a put together Instagram feed, but rather someone that is genuine and REAL
I want to be approachable. I want you to slide in my DMs and tell me all about how much you love The Greatest Showman or about how much you love a juicy #1 on the Wendy's menu. I want you to come to me if we've never met and tell me you want to be friends because you know, I'm probably thinking the same thing, so heck yeah let's be friends! Also while we're talking about being real, go ahead and follow @hoi_ya_can_i_get_one, the Official Finsta of Kaitlyn Sims where you'll see that I am a spaz, weird, (hilarious), real person with struggles and fears just like everyone else.
I just want people to be themselves and do what they love.
I may be bashing on the Instagram comparisons, but don't let that stop you from doing what you love. If you're like me and love being creative with photos, PLEASE keep working hard and don't lose the fire for your passion. All I ask is that you be true to who you are and try your best to eliminate negative comparisons from your life. 

// Kaitlyn Sims
@kaitlyn_sims  ||  @hoi_ya_can_i_get_one😉


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