Life Update // October 27, 2017

Hello friends! I feel like I've been a little MIA these past couple months, but I have been crazy busy with school. I am in college now and it is so much fun! I wanted to do a life update post to document my adventures so far and get you guys caught up on what I've been doing.

First of all, like I said before, I'm in college and it is the greatest thing ever! Honestly, the school aspect of it is not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Growing up, my teachers would always warn us about college and make us aware of the hard work that would be required of us. I'm not saying that college isn't hard, because it certainly is, but what I am trying to say is that it is totally doable and although even though people will tell you that it is super hard, you can do it! I am going to school in BYU-Idaho and my professors are so kind and they care about my success. There are so many resources at this school that allow me to get help if I'm struggling with something. Plus, since I only have a couple classes a day, I have a lot more time to go to those resources and get my homework done with time still available to hang out with my friends. I am declared as a WWD major (Web Design and Development) with an emphasis is web design. I've enjoyed it so far, but I'm not sure if I want to stick with it.  If I decide to change my major, I would want to do social media marketing because it is similar to web design, but I like the communication side of that major. We'll see!

I lucked out in the roommate department. They are so great. A couple of my cute roomies, Maddy and Courtney, and one of our FHE brothers, Brett, went to Mesa Falls a few weeks ago. The funny thing is, however, we didn't actually see the waterfalls.... We drove out there and went to what we thought was the lower falls. We got out of Brett's truck and followed this steep trail down the mountain. We didn't go all the way down because it was pretty long and all we saw was a river haha. Luck for us though, a kind man was there hiking down as well and was nice enough to take a few pictures of us! Even though we didn't end up seeing the waterfall, we still made some our little road trip memorable. Brett was cracking us up with his Mexican accent the whole time!

Brett had to run an errand in Idaho Falls, so the four of us took a quick road trip together and went to the cutest pumpkin patch. I had never been to a pumpkin patch before so I felt like a kid in a candy store hahaha. But seriously it was so cute. We all picked out our own pumpkins and brought them home with us. I am so grateful for these people. My FHE brothers and my roommates are seriously a blessing in my life. They make college so much fun.


Along with school and friends, I've had the wonderful opportunity to do collaborations with companies on Instagram. This is kind of what has got me considering switching to social media marketing because through these collaborations I am able to promote businesses while also using photography and my social media. In such a short time, I've collabed companies such as with Love Winnie James, Saving Paige Boutique, Viola Vie, and Humble Deodorant. I am looking forward to more collaborations in the future. It's such a fun way to get more out of social media.

Another fun thing I've been able to do is this thing called The Rexburg Meet-up (shout out to Abbie and Parker for putting it together). The Rexburg Meet-up is a big group photo shoot for photographers, models, and creatives to get together and build our portfolios. The first one I went to was in September. I met so many amazing and creative people and I was able to build my photography portfolio. From that meet-up, one of my photographs ended up getting featured on Stay Wear clothing. That was super exciting for me! 


The second meet-up was at Kelly Canyon. It was lots of fun, but it was sooooo cold! I got to see some of the people that I met at the first meet-up again, so that was cool! I ended up doing half shooting and half modeling at this meet-up because I've been doing both lately. One of the couples that I photographed I had a fun connection with! The guy was in my district when I was in Nauvoo a couple years ago. Him and his family joined my family in a district, and I was good friends with his little sisters. I love Nauvoo connections haha.  

That's about all that's been happening in my life lately. I am absolutely loving life and things are going great! Thank you for your support in everything I've been doing. I feel blessed to have such supportive friends and followers. You guys rock! 

// Kaitlyn Sims


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